May is National Home Improvement Month
`Salute to the Month of May – Two Main Events to Celebrate in the Month of May. It is Home Improvement Month and Memorial Day.

National Home Improvement Month of May
May is Home Improvement Month – We would like to briefly discuss the importance of finding balance for your roof and ventilation systems as we come to month’s end and looking forward to the Memorial Day Holiday. This month Triple Peaks Roofing was featured with AirVent for a home with a problematic roofing/ventilation system. We were able to provide this homeowner with the right tools for their particular roof which not only gave them a beautiful new roof that has amazing roof lines and curb appeal but a balance ventilation system that will not only extend the life of their roof but help reduce their energy costs.
Remembering Our Troops this Memorial Day – As Jeff, one of the owners of Triple Peaks Roofing, reflects on his own personal service in the United States Army, all of our thoughts and prayers goes out to all the families who have lost their love ones – Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Aunts, Uncles, Brothers and Sisters – while bravely serving in the American Armed Forces. Please join Jeff and the rest of Triple Peaks Roofing in remembering those who gave their all for Duty, Honor and Country. So, as we are having our picnics and celebrations this memorial day, please voluntarily and informally observe in your own way, the “National Moment of Remembrance” at 3:00 p.m. local time. Please give those who gave their “ALL” a moment of remembrance and respect, pausing from whatever you may be doing for a moment of silence. Then celebrate their lives and their family’s sacrifices that they provided in order for us to keep this Great Nation of ours Free.